In addition to providing strategic and tailored legal counsel to his diverse client base, Chris is passionate about education and fostering the growth and advancement of the industry. He is a regular volunteer for the Houston Association of Professional Landman’s (HAPL) mentor/mentee program, where he leads and advises up-and-coming professionals as they navigate the complexities of building a career in the energy sector. Throughout his career, Chris has given several presentations to mineral owners, engineers, landmen, attorneys, accountants, analysts, and executives in effort to further the education of his clients and colleagues – both experienced and those new to the oil and gas arena. Additionally, he has served as a HAPL board member, and is in his fifth year as Chariman of the HAPL annual Saltwater Fishing Tournament. Through these efforts, Chris takes pride in sharing his expertise with clients and other industry stakeholders and serving as a steward for his colleagues and professional organizations.